As the season 2022/23 is coming to an end more and more people reach out to us and ask about the upcoming season in Torres del Paine and when the reservations will open.
At this moment (End of May 2023) it is not yet possible to reserve your treks for the next season. The date that reservations open are fully controlled by the three main agencies Vertice, FantasticoSur and CONAF. There's no guarantee but we can expect the dates will be similar to the past seasons.
Vertice (Paine Grande, Grey, Dickson and Los Perros) and FantasticoSur (Serón, Francés, Cuernos & Torres Central) usually open around June.
CONAF (the free camp sites Italiano and Paso) usually open around September.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we'll make sure to notify you when any of the campsites open.
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And when the time comes - check out our website You can easily search through and book itineraries within minutes and saving yourself a headache that used to come with reservations in Torres del Paine.